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Mary L. Davenport, MD, FACOG, MS, CFCMC, is obstetrician- gynecologist and integrative medicine physician in private practice in the San Francisco Bay area. She has lectured nationally and internationally on natural infertility therapies, the breast cancer abortion link, bioidentical hormone replacement, abortion pill reversal, preconception and pregnancy nutrition, HPA axis dysregulation (adrenal fatigue) and other topics in women’s and integrative health care. She received training as a medical consultant in natural family planning at the Pope Paul VI Institute, and is a practitioner of NaproTechnology, an approach to reproductive health care utilizing a woman’s own cycles. She has completed a master’s degree program in nutrition and metabolism from the University of South Florida, and is a Diplomate of the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine. She is Medical Director of Magnificat Maternal Health Program, former President of AAPLOG (American Association of ProLife Obstetricians and Gynecologists) and a board member of the Matercare and Maternal Life International, the California Association for Natural Family Planning, and the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute. She graduated from Smith College and Tufts University School of Medicine, completed her obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of California, San Diego, and is currently Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Touro University of Osteopathic Medicine. She co-authored a paper on the Hippocratic Oath for the Linacre Quarterly as well as medical journal articles on reversing the abortion pill.
Dr. Davenport is not accepting new patients. If you are a current patient and need an appointment, please contact her directly using the “Send Message” button.
For new patients seeking Napro services, Dr. Davenport recommends her Napro Consultant colleagues– Dr. Robert Chasuk, Dr. Gretchen Marsh, and Dr. Kim Reyes.
Medicare, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California (PPO, ePPO, EPO, HMO, and Medicare Advantage Networks), Cigna
This provider does not bill any plans associated with tricare select nor tricare prime effective 02/07/2024
This provider does not participate nor bill Medi-Cal.
Anthem Networks Include: Blue Cross Commercial, PPO, Indemnity, Work Comp, and Medicare PPO, Pathway EPO in California – effective 04.01.2023.
UnitedHealth Care Networks include: NexusACO (OAP, NR, OA, NRP, R, NRP, RB, RP), Select (EPO, Plus POS, HMO, Select Plus), Navigate & Navigate plus, PPO, Core (EPO), Choice (EPO, HMO, HMO Plus, Plus POS), Surest Plan, Charter (POS, EPO, HMO), Core (HMO, Plus POS)
This provider is not accepting new worker’s compensation assignments at this time.
If this clinician is licensed in your state they are able to accept your insurance if you are insured by any one of the following:
- Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
- Catholic Diocese Of Wichita, Kansas
- Christendom College
- Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
- Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
- Medi-Share
- Reta Trust
Tricare: Effective Jan 1, 2025, Tricare has switched region allocation for several states. We are currently re-evaluating each of our provider's certification status for Tricare Select and will update profiles as we have confirmed status. Please check back for updates.
Services deemed medically necessary by a physician at MyCatholicDoctor may be covered by your insurance. Network coverage is determined by your referring physician’s participation. All other services are eligible for our Self-Pay Discounted Rates.
My appointment went amazingly! It was so easy and even more convenient. Dr. Davenport is the best doctor there is. I was able to make this tele appointment so quickly, it was easy to access and Dr. Davenport spent so much quality time with me. This was a great bridge to get my concerns addressed and treatment started before seeing the doctor! Love it! -Joelle
I had a truly great experience with Dr. Mary Davenport, as she totally understood the issues and hopes that I had, and was truly invested in my current state of health. I would not hesitate to recommend this service and Dr. Davenport to everyone. -Patricia
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate Dr. Mary Davenport! I truly believe she saved my life. I had pneumonia and it wasn’t treated appropriately by a local doctor. Her protocol worked! I couldn’t breathe deeply right away but I felt like I could breathe easier within 2 days. Amazing! She called and checked on my progress and adjusted medication as needed. Thank you, Dr. Davenport, for your care, concern and wisdom. -Cheryl