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Patients Seen

Matthew helps you prepare and find peace of mind at any stage of the aging journey. Even without a diagnosis, if you have concerns or suspect something is wrong, planning ahead is key. Whether your loved ones are healthy or facing dementia or another illness, he offers support and guidance.
*Languages: English

About Matthew

Matthew’s calling to journey with families impacted with dementia was initiated when his grandfather developed a memory impairment in the late 1990s. All he could do was watch his mother try to cope as her father’s caregiver and advocate while she raised a family and worked.

Fast forward to the present, where Matthew works with families to find solutions to their pressing problems – something that his mother could have used, but could not find decades ago.

As the Founder of Catholic Aging, Matthew has built an educational platform at with videos, blog articles, and occasional email newsletters. All of these activities are built around his book, The Peace with Dementia Rosary: Education, Intentions, Community.

Matthew has been a care partner support group facilitator for 10 years and has facilitated over 400 sessions for the Council on Aging in St. Tammany Parish (county). He is the Project Manager of a federally-sponsored geriatrics education program for a large health system in Louisiana.

He earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Auburn University and the University of New Orleans, respectively, and in 2017 he finished a Master’s in Gerontology from the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

Matthew lives in the Greater New Orleans area with his wife and three children. He facilitates a caregiver support group at Mary, Queen of Peace Parish. He earned his Eagle Scout award in 1992. Matthew has appeared on Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)’s At Home with Jim & Joy, Relevant Radio’s Drew Mariani Show, Catholic Community Media Radio, and in Diocesan newspapers.

Services Offered

  • Discussing what matters most to you as you and loved ones get older, whether there is no health concern currently, no official diagnosis of an illness, or if there is a diagnosis
  • Making sense of life and next steps after a loved one has (of is suspected to have) any type of dementia or other serious illness
  • Problem-solving issues around caregiving, safety, driving, and more
  • Practical strategies to behavioral expressions (challenges) of dementia
  • Discussing in-home care options and potential transitions to a care community
  • Finding purpose as an aging adult, especially in the Church
  • Organizes a ‘family meeting’ for selected relatives and friends to learn effective teamwork.

All 50 states

Self-Pay Discounted Rates are available at this time. Service may be eligible for HSA reimbursement when deemed medically necessary by your PCP

If this clinician is licensed in your state they are able to accept your insurance if you are insured by any one of the following:
- Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
- Catholic Diocese Of Wichita, Kansas
- Christendom College
- Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
- Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
- Medi-Share
- Reta Trust

Tricare: Effective Jan 1, 2025, Tricare has switched region allocation for several states. We are currently re-evaluating each of our provider's certification status for Tricare Select and will update profiles as we have confirmed status. Please check back for updates.

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