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About Christina

Christina Condon is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with 15+ years of experience in healthcare. Christina earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from St. Mary’s College -Notre Dame in 2004 and Family Nurse Practitioner degree in 2007 from UCLA. After graduating, she worked in Family Medicine for several years treating patients of all ages for a wide variety of health concerns. She completed her Fertility Care Medical Consultant internship through The Saint Paul VI Institute for Study of Human Reproduction in 2009.

For the last 12+ years Christina has specialized in Stroke Neurology and wholeheartedly understands the complex navigation of healthcare. She is a known national leader advocating to address needs for stroke patients after hospitalization through recovery.

Christina is a wife and mother of four children. She is a strong advocate for life, upholding the dignity of every individual from conception to natural death. Most importantly, recognizing God as the ultimate healer, she compassionately tends to the religious and spiritual needs of all her patients and their families.

Licensed States

North Carolina

In-Network Carriers

Medicare, Cigna, Tricare Select, Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield

UnitedHealthCare networks include: Dual Complete RP(Regional PPO D-SNP), Dual Complete (HMO D-SNP), Community Plan of North Carolina, Core (HMO, EPO, Choice Plus POS), Navigate(Plus), Choice(HMO, +HMO, EPO, Plus POS), Surest Plan, Select HMO(+, EPO, Plus POS), Charter(HMO, EPO, POS), PPO, NexusACO(OAP, OS, RP, RB, R, NRP, NRB, NR), Doctors Plan(Plus HMO, EPO, Plus POS), Veterans Affairs Community Care Network, Heritage(POS RV Choice, Select Advantage Choice, POS RV Options, Select Advantage Options

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • Stroke prevention, recovery and caregiver support.
  • Health care advocacy for patients and caregivers with complex health care needs.
  • Adult medicine, chronic disease, special emphasis on getting to the root cause, integrative health and shared decision making.
  • Abortion pill reversal
  • Geriatric care and end of life consultation from a catholic perspective


Christina treats patients from preventative care all the way through chronic disease with an emphasis on integrative health and shared decision making. She also specializes in health advocacy for patients and caregivers with complex health care needs.
*Languages: English