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Ruth Harris RN, BSN CPEA , is a wife, mother of three grown children and grandmother of two girls. Additionally has one stillborn baby girl and one granddaughter who died after she was born at 18 weeks.
Ruth is a lifelong Catholic who continually nourishes and learns about the many aspects of this beautiful faith.
She also is an avid cook, loves to run, be outdoors, travel, and is fascinated by all things health related.
As the oldest of four siblings and while still in college, her mother lost a brief battle with breast cancer leaving behind shock and the legacy of a perspective that life and health are to be greatly treasured. She committed herself to learning more about this disease process, incorporating exercise as a regular routine along with trying to eat healthier. She received a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from Queen’s University in Charlotte, North Carolina. She went on to work on a general medical/surgical floor in Washington, DC and after moving to Raleigh NC has worked for 30 years as a Labor and Delivery nurse.
Years of stress between working full time, raising children and being involved in many things started to take a toll. Fatigue, irritability, having trouble sleeping at night, lack of energy left her worried about what else could be happening with her health. After experiencing healing through through herbal products and micronutrient supplementation she started to take a closer look at the power of nutrition. This led to enrolling in a program with the National Institute of Whole Health located in Boston, MA; for nurses. This program is based on caring for another from whole person perspective: physical, emotional, nutritional, environmental and spiritual. She went on to earn certification as a Patient Health educator and Advocate (CPEA) in 2020.
Helping others has been a life long passion and it became apparent many years ago that our current health care system, is more of a sick care system. Prevention and awareness are of vital importance along with the knowledge that all things are connected and matter and that there is the possibility of living well despite managing illness.
After prayer and discernment Ruth felt called by God to place Christ at the center of her practice. Her beliefs are:
A person is not a diagnosis, you were created as a masterpiece with a unique blueprint and health needs.
To facilitate a better knowledge of current health concerns and to also look deeper.
To work in a teamwork approach with the client as a complement to and in cooperation with existing medical care/advice, counselling or holistic care practitioner
To give options of tools that will improve wellbeing.
To help the client with awareness in implementing an action plan to take the next best small step that God places on your heart as necessary to do
To approach each person from a whole person, faith-filled perspective
Connecticut, North Carolina