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Patients Seen

Patrick sees adults and children for urgent conditions, primary care, and chronic disease management. He also provides fitness and nutrition counseling, end-of-life care, and advance healthcare planning consultation.
*Languages: English

About Patrick

Patrick is a Family Nurse Practitioner with interest in primary care, preventative and functional medicine, and chronic disease management. He helps his patients develop a diet and exercise program, guiding them to find authentic health and wellness. He is also passionate about geriatrics, dementia care, pain and symptom management (called palliative care), and end-of-life care.

Patrick was raised near Buffalo, NY, and now lives in Rapid City, South Dakota. Initially a personal fitness trainer and clinical massage therapist, he later received a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of Colorado. He attended Xavier University in Cincinnati earning a Master of Science in Nursing, and finished with a Master of Science in Advanced Nursing Practice from South Dakota State University.

Patrick served in the USAF with the 52nd Fighter Wing Medical Group, Germany. Since his youth he is a classical pianist and church accompanist. He also co-wrote a Catholic prayer booklet titled “Holy Hour Devotion for the Dying” ( that is translated into several languages and distributed worldwide.

Licensed States

Alabama, South Dakota, Florida (Telehealth Only), Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio

In-Network Carriers

Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Midland’s Choice, UnitedHealthcare, First Choice Health Network

Blue Cross Blue Shield Networks Include: Blue Select & Classic Blue

United Healthcare Networks Include: PPO, Choice (EPO, HMO, HMO Plus, Plus POS), Surest Plan, Core (Choice Plus POS, HMO, EPO), National Ancillary All Other, NexusACo (OA, OAP, OAP, NRB, NRP, NR, EPO), Select (EPO, Plus POS), Charter (HMO, POS, EPO), Navigate & Navigate Plus, Select (HMO, and Plus), Doctors Plan (Plus HMO, Plus POS)

If this clinician is licensed in your state they are able to accept your insurance if you are insured by any one of the following:
- Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
- Catholic Diocese Of Wichita, Kansas
- Christendom College
- Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
- Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
- Medi-Share
- Reta Trust

Tricare: Effective Jan 1, 2025, Tricare has switched region allocation for several states. We are currently re-evaluating each of our provider's certification status for Tricare Select and will update profiles as we have confirmed status. Please check back for updates.

Services deemed medically necessary by a physician at MyCatholicDoctor may be covered by your insurance. Network coverage is determined by your referring physician’s participation. All other services are eligible for our Self-Pay Discounted Rates.

Services Offered

  • Convenient/urgent care for more multiple conditions including colds, flu, allergies, fever, headache, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, urinary tract infections, pink eye, rashes, sore throat, constipation and more.
  • Behavior and mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more.
  • Dementia care.
  • Hospice/End-of-Life care.
  • Physical fitness consultation.
  • Nutrition/dietary consultation including those with diabetes and food allergies.
  • House-call service area: 57701, eastern 57702 (West Rapid), 57703, 57706, 57718, 57719, 57769, and towns of Hermosa, Hisega, Johnson Siding, Rockerville, and I-90 between Tilford and Sturgis.