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About Dr. Harding

Dr. Harding is an emergency and public health doctor who divides his time between the US and international mission work. He has worked in many countries in Latin America, Africa and Haiti, sometimes in collaboration with his missionary priest brother. He is available for consultation by internet (telehealth) and occasional house calls in Massachusetts and Connecticut, in English or Spanish, regardless of patient’s documentation/immigration status. He can also provide catholic institutions/schools with infection control and public health advice.

El Dr. Harding es un médico de emergencias y salud pública que divide su tiempo entre el trabajo misionero internacional y estadounidense. Ha trabajado en muchos países de América Latina, África y Haití, a veces en colaboración con su hermano sacerdote misionero. Está disponible para consultas por Internet (telesalud) y visitas domiciliarias ocasionales en Massachusetts y Connecticut, en inglés o español, independientemente de la documentación del paciente / estado migratorio. También puede proporcionar a las instituciones / escuelas católicas asesoramiento sobre control de infecciones y salud pública.

After graduating from Tufts University, he earned his doctorate in medicine at the University of Massachusetts receiving the HP Top Medical Graduate Award. Mark then completed his internship and residency at UMass and stayed on as clinical faculty for several years. During that time he co-founded a non-profit organization that helps facilitate international medical volunteering and earned a separate master’s degree in public health from Harvard University.

In the US his clinical work has been in emergency and urgent care work. As a faculty member at two US medical schools, his students included medical students, resident physician and PA students. His work overseas has focused on high poverty regions in both clinical care and public health. His current overseas interests focus on the upper Amazon rain forest and include rural malnutrition, access to clean water and community health worker training.

Licensed States

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Kansas (Telehealth Only)

In-Network Carriers

Cigna, Medicare, ProviDrs Care, Aetna
Tricare Select- Note We do not bill Tricare Prime
Anthem BlueCross BlueShield Networks Include- PPO, HMO, BlueCare, Pathway, and Medicare Advantage
UnitedHealthCare networks include: PPO, Choice(HMO, +HMO, EPO, Plus POS), Surest Plan, Select(HMO/+, EPO, Plus POS),  Navigate(Plus), Charter(HMO, EPO, POS), Core(HMO, EPO, Choice Plus POS), NexusACO(RP, RB, R, NRP, NRB, NR, OAP), Doctor Plans(Plus HMO, EPO, Plus POS) Veterans Affairs Community Care Network, Medicare Advantage plans including AARP and PPO plans.

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • In addition to general Telehealth services, Dr. Harding is also available to Catholic schools and other institutions regarding infection control and public health practices.


Dr. Harding offers Telehealth consultations for appropriate general Convenient/Urgent Care diagnoses in both adults and school aged children. Telehealth visits are also available for travel medicine and Latino immigrant health.
*Languages: English, Spanish