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Patients Seen

Leah works with women and girls of all ages, from pre-puberty through menopause. She encourages women's partners to be involved in the sessions as well. Leah teaches clients from all states.
*Languages: English

About Leah

Leah is a physician assistant, wife, and mom. She has worked as a PA in emergency medicine, and currently works as an urgent care PA.

Throughout her medical training and career, Leah noticed that there was often a disconnect with women’s healthcare. She saw many women struggling with gynecological problems, including infertility and miscarriage. Oftentimes, the only solution that women were given for certain health issues was to be prescribed the birth control pill. Similarly, “unexplained infertility” was a common diagnosis for patients struggling to conceive, without receiving much direction because there was no known cause for the infertility.

Leah was introduced to FEMM, which was the answer to a problem she had experienced so frequently. FEMM is a comprehensive women’s health and wellness program for optimal reproductive health. This science-based program helps women learn more about their bodies, and how to identify daily hormonal shifts to achieve their health and fertility goals.

As a FEMM teacher, Leah teaches clients how to use their bodily signs and biomarkers to assess hormonal health and overall well-being. Learning how to interpret the signs from one’s body allows women to be knowledgeable regarding their family planning goals, and obtain further care if health concerns are discovered.

Licensed States

Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania

Certified in all 50 states for Natural Family Planning Instruction

In-Network Carriers

Accepts Reta Trust Insurance Plan for NFP

Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, Anthem BlueCross Blue Shield, Medicare

If this clinician is licensed in your state they are able to accept your insurance if you are insured by any one of the following:
- Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
- Catholic Diocese Of Wichita, Kansas
- Christendom College
- Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
- Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
- Medi-Share
- Reta Trust

Tricare: Effective Jan 1, 2025, Tricare has switched region allocation for several states. We are currently re-evaluating each of our provider's certification status for Tricare Select and will update profiles as we have confirmed status. Please check back for updates.

Services deemed medically necessary by a physician at MyCatholicDoctor may be covered by your insurance. Network coverage is determined by your referring physician’s participation. All other services are eligible for our Self-Pay Discounted Rates.

Services Offered

  • FEMM Introductory Session, where clients begin learning the importance of cycle charting and how to chart their cycles.
  • FEMM Expert Session, where clients learn to assess their individual biomarkers and how these signs give information regarding hormonal and overall health.
  • FEMM Family Planning Session, where clients learn how their biomarkers indicate the window of fertility each cycle, so that they are knowledgeable regarding their family planning goals.
  • FEMM Chart Check Sessions