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Katie is no longer taking new clients. Existing patients can schedule online or contact her directly. 

About Katie

Katie has been a mental health counselor since 2016. Katie obtained her graduate certificate in Catholic Pastoral Counseling for Mental Health Professionals from Holy Apostles College. Katie utilizes the Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person as her counseling theory. This is a holistic approach to mental health which includes mind, body, and soul in the healing process. Katie is currently attaining her doctorate of behavioral health.

Outside her home office, you might find her on an outdoor adventure, in prayer or adoration, coaching athletics, volunteering, or traveling to visit friends and family. Spending time in relationship is important for Katie, especially with people and creation.

Licensed States

Minnesota, North Dakota, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Vermont, Florida (Telehealth Only), Kansas (Telehealth Only)

In-Network Carriers

Tricare Select, Cigna, BlueCross BlueShield, ProviDrs Care
These services are not valid or billable for Medicare plans

Additional network applications in process

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Trauma-related issues
  • Self-esteem issues
Only Virtual/Telehealth appointments available at this time.

    AAlicensed, AAprovider, Addiction care from Therapists/counselors Adults, Addiction care from Therapists/counselors ages 4-17, License Requirement, Mental Health Therapy ages 4-17, Mental Health Therapy for Adults


Katie has seen a variety of clients in the past from toddler to aging adult. Katie is happy to see any client, but has a specialty in trauma related issues, anxiety and depression.
*Languages: English