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About Dr. Rushing

Dr. Rushing is a board certified family physician with 6 years experience in the field of primary care. In addition to the treatment of adults and children ages 12 and up for their primary care needs, he has a special interest in medically assisted weight management.

Licensed States


In-Network Carriers

This provider is not enrolled with Medicare, Medicare Replacement, or Medicare supplement plans and therefore will not be able to see patients with these benefits. By scheduling an appointment, you attest that you do not have Medicare and understand that this provider is unable to see patients with Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Replacement benefits, regardless of willingness to pay cash.

Aetna, Tricare Select (Please note we do not bill Tricare Prime)

Self-Pay Discounted Rates are available at this time. Service may be eligible for HSA reimbursement when deemed medically necessary by your PCP.

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services deemed medically necessary by a physician at MyCatholicDoctor may be covered by your insurance. Network coverage is determined by your referring physician’s participation. All other services are eligible for our Self-Pay Discounted Rates.

Services Offered

  • Primary Care Services for all patients over 12 years old.
  • Chronic disease management
  • Specialist coordination.
  • Medically assisted weight management.
  • Preventive Care.


Dr. Rushing sees patients 12 years old and up for a variety of primary care services. He is passionate about medically supervised weight loss. He treats routine chronic conditions like Diabetes, Thyroid dysfunction, Hypertension, in addition to medical assistance with weight loss endeavors.
*Languages: English