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About Jamie

Jamie Hobor has been a FertilityCare Practitioner since 2012 and certified since 2014. She was introduced to the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology due to underlying medical issues, but her eyes were opened to so much more! She also learned that FertilityCare Practitioners were needed especially in her hometown.

Jamie enjoys working with all women and couple regardless of their reproductive category and sharing the good news of fertility awareness with our youth and single women.

Licensed States

Certified in all 50 states for Natural Family Planning Instruction

In-Network Carriers

Services deemed medically necessary by a physician at MyCatholicDoctor may be covered by your insurance. Network coverage is determined by your referring physician’s participation. All other services are eligible for our Self-Pay Discounted Rates.

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • FertilityCare Instruction to avoid or achieve pregnancy
  • FertilityCare Instruction for health monitoring, and for fertility appreciation (cycle tracking and affirming chastity for adolescents)
  • FertilityCare Instruction for Postpartum (breastfeeding or non-breastfeeding)
  • FertilityCare Instruction for Discontinuing contraception, Perimenopause, Regular cycles, Irregular cycles, and Infertility
  • Refers to physician for diagnosis and treatment
  • Provides ongoing support through menopause


Jamie Hobor sees all women anytime between their first and last period. Husbands/fiancé’s are encouraged to attend for natural family planning purposes. For young women (i.e., pre-teens and teens) mothers or another support person are welcome to come for health monitoring.
*Languages: English