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About Darci

Darci has been a Registered Nurse since 2005 and working in Wellness since 2015. Having a passion for encouraging people toward the life God wants for them and incorporating faith into everyday activities, she earned her Health Coaching certificate in 2020.

As a Catholic Health Coach, Darci partners with adults working through personal goals toward truly holistic health, always oriented toward growth in the Lord.

Commonly, coaching is successful in developing sustainable healthy habits, weight management, chronic disease risk reduction and improvement, and enhanced wellbeing. The focus and direction are determined by you, the client, and built with the support of your coach.

Licensed States

Certified in all 50 states

In-Network Carriers

Cash pay only

Please see Payment page.

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • Developing sustainable healthy habits
  • Weight management
  • Chronic disease risk reduction and improvement
  • Enhanced wellbeing


Darci partners with adults interested in improving health and wellbeing.
*Languages: English