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About Dr. Grootegoed

Dr. Ann Grootegoed is a Catholic Family Physician, Wife and Mother. She provides care for families. Virtual care of all ages for health promotion/disease prevention, urgent care and chronic medical care.

Licensed States


In-Network Carriers

Cigna, Tricare Select, Cigna, Blue Shield of California
Blue Cross: Does not include Blue Shield
Anthem Networks Include: Pathway EPO in California 
UnitedHealthCare Networks include: NexusACO(NRP, NRB, NR OAP, OA, RP, R), Charter(HMO, EPO, POS,), Core(HMO, EPO, Choice Plus POS), Navigate(Plus), PPO, Choice(HMO, +HMO, EPO, Plus POS), Surest Plan, Select(HMO, Select+, EPO, Plus POS), Dual Complete Choice(PPO D-SNP).

This provider is not accepting new worker’s compensation assignments at this time.

ATTN Medicare Patients:
This provider has opted out of Medicare and all supplement/replacement plans, and therefore will not bill these plans. You may choose to use their services and pay our self pay rates. In order to proceed, you’ll need to sign our Medicare Opt Out Agreement that will be emailed to you upon scheduling an appointment.

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • Virtual Primary Care and Urgent Care from Toddlers to Geriatrics


Dr. Grootegoed sees patients for family care: Pediatrics to Seniors in health and acute and chronic sickness as well as Covid and Covid Long Haul.
*Languages: English