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About Dr. Day

Amber Day, MD is a pediatric physician in Cincinnati, Ohio.  She grew up in Northeast Ohio and received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Xavier University here in Cincinnati.  She received her medical degree from The Ohio State University. She completed her intern year at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland and her residency at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis.  She has a heart for service and has worked with underserved populations in Cincinnati and has served in mission trips to Jamaica, Trinidad, and Kenya.

She believes that healthy children come from healthy families and strives to address the physical, mental and spiritual health of all her patients and their families.  She enjoys helping families achieve the best version of their health through mindful eating and positive, strong relationships.

Dr. Day is an active member of her parish as well as the Catholic Medical Association both nationally and locally in Cincinnati, where she has worked hard to get the guild established and active there. Between this and her two young children, she is kept busy! She is happily married to her husband, Paul, whom she met as a medical student through the Catholic Medical Association. He is a NaPro trained Family Practice Physician in Cincinnati.

Licensed States


In-Network Carriers

Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Tricare Select, Medicaid(Including: Ohio Medicaid)

Blue Cross Blue Shield Networks Include: Blue Preferred, Blue Access, Blue traditional, Ohio exchange PPO, Ohio exchange HMO, Pathway, Medicare HMO, Medicare PPO, and D-SNP
United Healthcare Networks Include: PPO, Doctors Plan (EPO, Plus POS, Plus HMO), Choice (HMO, Plus HMO, EPO, Plus POS), Surest Plan, NexusACO (OA, R, OAP, NR, RB, NRP, RP, NRB), Indemnity, Heritage POS RV Choice, Select (EPO, Plus POS, HMO, plus), National Ancillary All Other, Community Plan (Medicaid)

Accepts those who are insured with:
Christian Brothers Ministry Services Plan
Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Christendom College

Services Offered

  • Convenient care for minor illnesses
  • Vaccination consultation
  • Pediatric behavioral help including depression, anxiety, ADHD
  • Adolescent medicine from a Catholic perspective
  • All general pediatric and adolescent needs


Dr. Day sees patients from birth through young adulthood. She is especially passionate about helping parents raise children who are healthy in mind, body and soul.
*Languages: English