FEMM is another type of Restorative Reproductive Medicine, and stands for Fertility Education and Medical Management. It is a specific way to treat reproductive and endocrine disorders in women’s reproductive abnormalities and includes specific approaches to diagnosis and treatment of the underlying condition.
FEMM is comprehensive, in that it uses charting mechanisms to accurately understand the complexities of the woman’s cycle and provides discussion points with a provider. FEMM provides a free app to chart your menstrual cycle. Through this app, FEMM focuses on charting the patterns of 4 major hormones: estrogen, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).
With FEMM, women are taught how to monitor their hormones throughout their menstrual cycle. This allows women to become advocates for their health and identify their ovulation. By identifying their ovulation, families are empowered to have the knowledge to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Not only can FEMM help couples to avoid or achieve pregnancy, but it is also useful in correcting women’s health problems. Symptoms that are indicative of an underlying diagnosis are able to be treated with the appropriate treatment options.
FEMM is particularly helpful for women with irregular cycles, whether due to their stage of reproductive life or because of health issues. More than 2 consecutive irregular cycles is a sign of a hormonal disturbance, which can be identified and treated using FEMM.
Diagnoses that can be helped with FEMM include: